The “Ambiguous Object” prints are developed images that stem from my carved work. They represent my interest in objects that “are not what they seem”. They are ambiguous in character, being neither flora nor fauna, nor entirely Geological nor man made. Like a curious stone picked up from the beach they should make you curious. The prints are an invitation for you to create your own narrative to explain the image, or perhaps to leave the image unexplained.

The prints start life as drawings and notes in my sketch book, often drawn from found objects. Curious shaped stones or pieces of flotsam and jetsam from the beach or rivers edge. The drawings are often plant forms from the garden or studies of plant structure and texture. The drawnings are developed and then drawn freehand onto the ‘soft cut’ printing blocks where they are used as the pattern for cutting the blocks
I print on (Sumi-E) a 50gsm paper traditionally used for brush and ink calligraphy. Its light weight and strength make it ideal for burnishing with a traditional Bamboo Baren.